Thursday, 15 December 2011

Well it's been a while..

OK. Before you start yelling at me, saying "what took you so long Carley?!" and blah blah balah, I would just like to say that I have been SO busy!!!!!!
...but I was thinking about you guys like crazy... and here I am!
Ok... so what's new in my life? WELL.
~ This happened back in Novemeber and it was AMAZING! Welcome to the family Pastor Bill :) or shall I say Poppa :)
2. I have my own room!!!! :D
~ I love having my own space now. I love my sister and all, but I needed my own space... and a CLOSET! I love love LOVE my closet! haha
3. My friend, Linsdeytardio, and I are making a random video from her iPhone right now and thats pretty exciting :)
4. I found this box of some crazy old photos of people in my family on my dads side from like 1970.
There are many more things that are new with me, but I shall update this more haha. Right now I must go focus on video making :)
Be blessed bloggers!
Carley <3

Saturday, 22 October 2011

What it means to be LIMITLESS

Hello bloggers!
A few weeks ago, my youth group (Revolution) , started an event series called Limitless.  I have been really learning what it means to be limitless and live a life with out any limits.
Limitless, to me, means that you must live life with no fear, no chains, and be obedient and ready for whatever God is going to ask you to do. Lately, I feel that God has been asking me to break and do things that I would never normally do. 
For example, I feel like my day isn't complete unless I tell someone about Jesus. I have been wanting to go crazy and tell every single person I see about Jesus, but me being a little too shy, can't do that, unless I have A LOT of help from God. 
Well...... I obviously know what limit I have to break! 

Ok. So I am going to be starting this little thing called "Break the Chains Challenge".  This is going to be a weekly thing, and every week, there will be a new challenge. What I will do, I will have a dice, and have different subjects for every number on the dice. Every subject will require you to break a limit in your life. I will post a video of me rolling the dice and explaining what you will have to do, and give you a little pep talk. 

What's your part? I want you guys to make videos of yourselves DOING the challenges and either send me them through Facebook (if we are friends on FB) or send them to my Youtube page (link below). 

The challenges will be starting within the next few weeks so be sure to look out for them!
Be blessed,

Pre-challenge: Tell someone about Jesus

Thursday, 6 October 2011

What's on my heart

Hello bloggers! So a few things have been on my heart for a while. 
It's time to share them with you.

For a while now, I have been debating on whether or not I should start vlogging (video blogging). My vision for these would be weekly vlogs, and they would be totally laid back vlogs. They would basically be what God is doing in my life, what goes on in the Esther House on a weekly basis, what I do at church (nursery, platform, Revolution). Stuff like this. BUT! I need my fellow Esther Girl's permission to do this. Soooo..... if ALL goes well, I shall start doing this. 
(I will keep you updated) 

Number TWO! :)
I have challenged myself to memorize the books of the Bible! I found a rap on Youtube that I am memorizing. SO, when I memorize it, I will make a video of me rapping it. (It will most likely be up on my Youtube channel, so I will post it on here) 
Btw.. here's the rap:

Number three. 
I have been losing weight lately!! :) Last summer I had made a goal to be down to 150 pounds by this summer (I used to weigh 180ish). Right now, I am down to 157 pounds!! :D Where am I getting at? Well. I am making a new goal weight. My new goal weight is going to get down to 145 pounds by next summer.
But there is a catch.
I need to either run, swim, or do something active every day, and I can only have ONE "treat" day per week. This will start on November 1st and go until September 1st of next year. 
I will keep y'all updated (hopefully once a week of where I am at with my weight). 

Well. That's all for now fellow bloggers. 
Be blessed!

Monday, 12 September 2011

Transition.... Oooohh transition. The good and the bad.

Hello dear bloggers! Well I have a lot to share with you in this blog, but for starters... I am going to share some videos with you that has been getting me through some things. :) Enjoy. 

Everyone goes through it one way or the other. Some transition is harder than others. Some are for the better, but then there are the ones that are for the worse.
The bad ones could be a Christian who has back slid from God. Or maybe a marriage breaking apart for the wrong reasons.
I have recently watched the movie Soul Surfer For the third time, and there were two clips that really stuck out to me. The first clip is when the youth pastor (played by Carrie Underwood) is talking about getting new perspectives on things. The second is kind of how I am feeling about the transition I am going through (but I will talk more about that after you watch the clips.

Okay. Lets talk about the first video. Lately I have been feeling like the transition I am going through is this gigantic mountain, that looks like I can never overcome. Did you catch the Bible scripture in the first clip? Jeremiah 29:11.  This verse has restored some hope in me about my transition. I have never really noticed this particular scripture until my friend texted it to me and told me to look it up. When I did.. I couldn't believe what I had just read. So you can obviously see my reaction when I heard Jeremiah 29:11 when I watched Soul Surfer. I had to rewind the movie just make sure I heard Carrie Underwood correctly! 
Now the second clip. I am kind of in the same boat as Bethany right now. I am having a real hard time seeing what good is going to come out of this transition in my life right now. You know why though? Both Bethany and I have not yet taken that step back. I haven't gained a new perspective on my transition. Instead I have been stuck on my feeling of standing in the middle of all these brick sky scrapers crashing down on me, and thinking that I am alone through all of this. (Blimey! What a big lie that is!) God is with me. He is covering me, and He will never leave me. Did you catch what Carrie said at the end of the second clip? I have to believe that something good is going to come out of this. I do. I have to believe and stand on God's word, that something good will come out of this transition.
I was talking to another one of my friends about the transition I am going through, and they told me that this is something I need to welcome with open arms. No, its not going to be easy, but then again, serving God with all your heart isn't easy either..

So. You are probably wondering what this BIG transition is that I am going through. Well. I am going to tell you.
....... when the time is right. 
Bloggers, there are still quite a few things that I still need to work through. So I am going to deal with these things, and when I do, I shall tell you what my big transition is. 
How will you know what the blog will be that tells you about my transition? 
Don't worry.
Just look for the blog that will be titled Soul Surfer Has Transitioned!!! 
I know it's a random title... but hey now.... at least you will know what it is :) 
God bless my friends. And remember, NOTHING is too big for God.
Carley <3

Sunday, 28 August 2011

Oh Summer..

Dear Summer,
Why are you leaving so soon? I mean you just got here. Please stay longer. I am going to miss the warmth of your summer sun's embrace. The sweet smell of the great outdoors. Going to the beach. Swimming. Soaking up the sun. Look, I know that September is wanting their turn with us. But promise me something. Next year, you will sit back, kick up your feet, and stay a VERY long time. 

Well bloggers, it is that time of year again. 
We are going to be saying good bye to our beloved friend, Summer. 
But it is time to let go until next year. TRANSITION into a new season. 
No, I am not looking forward to winter and cold and snow, but you know what? I am deciding to have a positive attitude about this transition. 
I am going to have a smile on my face during the entire white session.. and just know that God created the ugly...umm... beautiful, white, fluffy, cold stuff.
Embrace this transition my friends. Don't run from it.
God bless.
Carley <3

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Faith Like A Golden Key


Face it. Admit it. Come clean and confess. 

We all want that Golden Key from Caramilk. 

"So what Carley?! What's your point?"
Well. People around the world are searching for these keys. They put videos on Youtube. They break the chocolate bars in the stores to see... well feel... if there are keys in them. I have even heard of people buying car loads of Caramilk bars. 
What's my point? 
If we are capable to put THAT much faith into a golden key, why is our faith in God lacking? Can you imagine what our world would look like if our faith in God was just like people's faith in a golden key? Our world would look so much different.
Look at it this way. 
There is a key to eternity. 
God is this key.
How do we find God? 
The Bible.

If we actually open up our Bible and read it from cover to cover. Be studying in the Word of God every day and have faith that God has an amazing plan for our lives, we will win the Grand Prize.
It's time to have Faith Like a Golden Key.

Lets start searching for the Eternity Key!
God bless,
Carley <3

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Keep Running God's Race

As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord- Joshua 24:15

       Lately God has been speaking to me about running hard after Him and no matter what the enemy tries to throw at you, keep pressing in for the goal. I have been really struggling with knowing what God has for me- my destiny, who God wants me to be with, etc.  For the past few days, I have been physically seeing Joshua 24:15 everywhere and it reminds that I need to serve the Lord with everything I have. 
       The other day at church, my Pastor said something that really stuck with me. He said keep running hard after God with no distractions, and one day you will look beside you and the one that God has ordained for you to be with will be right there running beside you.  This doesn't mean that there aren't going to be any distractions. This means that when distractions come, what will you do about these distractions? Are you going to give into the enemy? Or are you going to keep your eyes focused on God and keep running after the goal. Last Friday at my youth group, one of the events we had to do was to lay on the ground with our eyes closed and keep a little cup on our heads. We had to really focus on keeping the cup on our heads as people came around and did whatever they could to distract us. This taught me that the enemy is going to get all up in my face to try to get my focus off of God, but no matter what the distraction may be, I CAN'T CAVE IN TO THE ENEMY! 
       A few days ago, God gave me a vision of log that was sitting just outside the campfire. I asked God why He showed me this and He said This log can only feel the heat of My fire. It only has one more step to be fully surrounded in fire. Carley, you are that log. This week I have been connecting the running thing and the campfire thing together. The revelation? That log isn't going to get itself into the fire. It needs to be picked up and thrown into it. I need to throw myself into God's fire, and once I am in, there is no turning back. Once I am in His fire, I need to keep running after God and keeping my eyes on the goal. 
       Fellow bloggers, keep your eyes on the goal. Don't give. Don't back down. Keep running after God and being on fire for Him. The best is yet to come. 
God bless,
Carley <3

Wednesday, 3 August 2011


Hello bloggers!! Well today is the day.... I AM OFFICIALLY 18!!!!!!!!!!! Now,  like I promised, I am going to share my testimony for you all. But I would just like to point out that not only am I 18, but I am also 3 years old today as well. Three years ago today, I gave my heart to the Lord and became a member of my amazing church, Third Day Worship Center. Now onto my testimony. Well.... here it goes:
It all started when my dad started doing drugs and alcohol. Heavily. I blamed myself for everything that happened. From my mom and dad fighting constantly, to my dad always passed out, I even blamed myself  when my parents were separated.  It was awful. I hated my self. I could barely stand to look at myself in the mirror, it was so bad. To be honest, I wanted to kill myself. I blamed myself so much, that I almost started cutting myself. I attempted at cutting, but I could never do it. So that led into me thinking of ways to kill myself. I thought about hanging myself (which I did try to do at one point). I thought about running away from home in hopes that someone would either murder me or I would starve to death. I even thought about getting a hold of a gun and shooting myself. Like I said, it was bad. I felt useless, ugly, stupid, pathetic, hopeless... I always wondered how someone would ever love someone like me. When my parents got a divorce, I came to the point where I was so desperate for something different. I needed SOMETHING that could change my life and changed the way I looked at myself. Sometime after New years, my mom asked me to come to church with her. I thought man is this woman out of her skin?! She actually wants me to go to CHURCH! But I went, just to make her happy. When I walked into the doors of Third Day, I knew this wasn't like any church I have been to in the past. Something about it was different. You could actually feel God there. I mean, tangibly FEEL Him. So I kept going. And going. And going. I couldn't get enough of this man they called Jesus. After going to the church for a while, I started going to Revolution, the youth and young adults ministry. Guess what? I have been going there ever since. So the month of May rolled around. Mother's Day to be exact. And I was sitting in church, not even listening to Pastor. I was thinking I have been going to church for a while now. Am I ready to give my life to God? Right after I thought that, Pastor gave the call for anyone who would like to give their life to Christ. This was it. This was my chance. I shot up my hand and I said the prayer. I just gave my life to Christ. It felt good. I felt new. But something deep within me still didn't feel right. It was not until Culture Shift the following summer, that I found out what wasn't feeling right that day. Tommie Zito had prayed over me, and I was on the floor. I started balling. I heard God's voice for the first time that day. He said to me, Carley, you have never felt the love of a Father. Your dad abandoned you and rejected you, and that's the only type of father you have come to know. But if you will let me today, I want to show what a Father's love really is. I let Him. I felt Him wrap His arms around me that day. I felt Him squeeze me until all the hurt and rejection was gone. I felt the Father's love. For the first time ever, I felt loved. I saw myself as beautiful and I now want to LIVE for Christ. Jesus changed my life. Forever. 
Well y'all, there you have it. That's what God had done in my life three years ago. I hope you enjoyed it and I only pray that this has impacted someone. I am now going to enjoy my birthday with my family :)
God bless my friends. 

Friday, 29 July 2011

Show Your Godly Colors :D

Hello again bloggers! So a few weeks ago, I had a revelation that I really wanted to share with you all. You see, ever since I have started working with kids, God really opened my eyes to what it means to have child- like faith. When it comes to what people think about them, children don't care!
Kids will wear a polk-a-dotted t-shirt with striped pants! Or they will wear neon pink with a puke green color. Or, if you let them, they will sit in their poop all day!
Now I am not saying to go get a diaper and poop in it, then sit in it all day, because that will just be weird.  (If  you do, please don't say that I told you to do so!). What I am saying is the way we need to live God in our lives, is the way children wear colors or patterns.
We as Christians, shouldn't care what people think about us. We aren't here to be people pleasers. We are here on a mission for God and win souls for the Kingdom of Heaven.
We shouldn't be ashamed of what God has done in our lives. We need to to do a little LGL: LIVE GOD LOUD!

Go out there and show the colors that God gave you. He put us on a light stand for a reason. Now shine! 
God bless! 
Carley <3

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Q & A/ Upcoming events!! :)

Hello bloggers!! This blog has two parts to it: Q & A, and just some upcoming events. This is a very exciting blog for me becauseof numerous reasons you will read about later in this blog!

Question & Answer :

"So there is this person named Taylor Tye and she won't leave me alone no matter how much I try." ~Morgan Cameron~

Well Morgan, life is like lemons. You have your sweet parts and then you have your sour parts.... like this Taylor person. God is testing you by squeezing the juice out of you and seeing what you will do with the lemon juice. So what will you do? Will you let that juice get even more sour and bitter? Or will you add the sugar and make some lemonade?

"Do bananas actually make you gain weight? I heard it can, but how do I know? Lol silly question? But do you know the answer?" ~Christina McKay~

Christina, I can honestly say, that I have no idea what the answer is to that. I found this information online, that I think you would find very useful: "Bananas offer a great value of proteins, vitamins and minerals, which BOOSTS your metabolism. They contain a sugar content which works well for quick energy, this might be why rumor started that they make you gain weight, however the sugar is is natural and I wouldn't think to be bad for you. They're actually known to help cure stomach pain caused from stomach acids because they neutralize the acid content and they're known to be digested easily." 
Also Christina.... yes. Yes it was a very silly question. :) 

"What do you want to/ think you're going to do in life?" ~Taylor Tye~

Wow Taylor. That is a very deep question.
I want to do alot of things in life. I want to learn to play the drums, guitar, bass guitar, and maybe even get better at the piano. I want to train my singing voice more to get better at singing, and one of my goals is to worship lead, but that is definitly far down the road. Other than music, I want to go on some mission trips (my goal is to seven different places). 
For work wise, I have no idea what I want to do. I am going to go to bible college first (probably do the three year program) and see where God wants me to go from there. I might go into hair dressing or real estate, but we will see what God wants me to do in life :)
As for family wise, I want to get married young, but not too young, and have five kids. No more, no less. 
Well Taylor, that's some of the things I want to do with my life in a nut shell. 


  Just some upcoming events, that you will not want to miss!! 
~This weekend I am going to Horseheads, New York for the Katie Souza Conference. I will make a blog as soon as I get back with pictures and videos :)
~My 18th birthday is just around the corner in less than two weeks! So be sure to read my special blog about my testimony on how I came to know God :)
~Second week of August, I am going to a cottage with my family, so I will be posting pictures and videos along with quick little blogs during that week.

Mark those dates on your calenders and be sure to check out my blog on those dates!
God bless!

Ps. I will be doing a question and answer series again, so be sure to watch out for those and ask any questions you want :)

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Life After Graduation

       Exactly one week ago from today, I graduated from high school. It's kind of weird to think that I am officially done with school... well except for college and what not. 
       I remember taking the bus for the very first time.  (By the way, I keep in contact with an awesome bus driver I had when I was little and she was the one who gave me the idea for this blog. Thank you Kim!) I remember being so shy around people, and never wanting to talk to anyone. I remember saying goodbye to friends and meeting new ones when I moved with my family. Even though elementary school was fun, I have to say this.... My most memorable school years are my four years of high school.
       High school is the place where I met God. It's the place where I changed. And it's the place where I broke out of some major boxes in my life. In grade nine, I wasn't a Christian. In fact, I didn't want anything to do with God. I thought God was this lame little thing that people just waste their time to worship (my goodness! Was I ever wrong!).  In grade nine, I had a boyfriend (who I broke up with in the same year, because nothing good was coming out of it...but anyway...). I remember always wanting to do drugs or alcohol, to get rid of the pain in my life. I hated the way I looked, I thought that no one was ever going to love me.  when I broke up with my boyfriend, I thought no man was ever going to love me.... which brought the feelings that I was useless and just a plain old piece of junk.   
      Grade ten... well first semester was the same.  Second semester of grade ten, my mom told me about this youth group that she really wanted me to go to. I thought, "Oh great.... she is getting religious on me." But, just to make her happy, I went. I can honestly say.... I LOVED IT! I haven't stopped going since. I am now on the music team there and I looooove every second of it! But that's not the end..... the month of May came around, and my mom wanted me to go to the church that the youth group is associated with. I wasn't ready for it... But I eventually went. Again.... but just to make her stop asking me! We walked in to the building of Third Day Worship Center, and I thought "What kind of mad house is this?!" But I soon came to realize... that this was not your typical church. It was CHURCH! What church was meant to be like. I could FEEL God in that service. The people were so nice and I could tell that they were there to worship. They weren't there to see their friends, they were there to seek their Jesus. It changed my life.
       Grade 11..... I was a baby Christian. when I told my friends everything about what had happened to me, they thought I lost my head.  That's when I realized that they don't know who Jesus was the way I do, and I can't talk about getting filled with the spirit around them. But me seeking God was enough for them to know that something really has changed in my life. I became more confident in myself, I carried myself differently, and for once in my life, I felt loved.
       Grade twelve.....This was the year where my friends and I had an actual prayer group. These friends also go to my church... in case you were wondering :).  We (the prayer group) would meet twice a week at lunch, except on those random times when we would meet every day at lunch, and pray for our school, and for revival to come to our school. I just want to say this. Vanessa, Emily, Luke, and Josh... I am very proud of you all. Keep the prayer group going, and keep strong with God. Even though I will not be there to pray with you guys, I will be praying for, not only the school, but for you guys. :)
       So graduation literally came in a blink of an eye. When I walked up onto that stage, I felt as if I was taking one more step closer into my destiny. At my graduation, everyone had cards to give to the reader. What dd mine say? Well....... What will you be doing in the fall? Going Frontline Bible Training Center.  What was your favorite memory here at LaSalle? Igknight Christian Fellowship, and coming to know God through out  high school. What  is your favorite saying? John 3:16 "For God so LOVED the world that He gave His one and only son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life".
       God changed my life in high school, and I was not ashamed to admit it on that stage on Wednesday June 29, 2011.  I took  the opportunity to tell an auditorium filled with about 1000+ people about what God had done in my life. No I didn't get an award that night. But graduating with God in my life is the biggest award I will ever get. And I will remember it for the rest of my life. 
Be blessed my friends. And to all of my fellow graduates at LaSalle, congrats and God bless.
Carley <3 

Ps. Just because I feel like happy dancing! Do your happy dance too! :P

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Daniel and Hailee :)

Well... this blog is about two friends of mine. Daniel and Hailee.  I told them I would blog about them.... so here it goes.
Let's start with Hailee. (Sorry Daniel.... ladies first :P) So I actually have no idea how Hailee and I got to be as close of friends as we are right now, but I am really happy I have her as a friend. How do I explain Hailee..... hhmmmmm. Well. First of all.... she is AMAZING! She is one of those friends who can make you laugh at any given time. Her smile alone has to make you smile (cheesy I know, but it's true). Hailee is funny, smart, gorgeous, and a great friend.  
Now onto Daniel. Okay, so I have only known Daniel for a few short months. He is a really good friend to have. Even though I haven't known him for that long, I came to know that he is funny, caring, and selfless. He has the ability to lift other people up in way that makes others want to lift him up in the same way.  
I want to take the time to thank, not only Daniel and Hailee, but all of my friends who read this blog. Thank you all for being you.  I love all of you for your unique personalities and all the times that we had together.  Since most of my friends and I are graduating from high school  in one week, I want to say that I will really miss everyone and I am so proud of us for making it through the hard times of high school.  We were there for each other when we needed support and we shared fun times together. And for those who are not graduating high school, I am very proud of all of you. You guys are doing sooo great! Keep up the hard work! 
God bless all of my friends! I love each and every one of you! I pray that God gives you His grace and glory in the years coming. And I pray that He gives you His never ending love!
Love you all!
~Carley :)
and for Daniel and Hailee:
Locker Carley <3

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Do you like Walt Disney?

Walt Disney.It's a name that eveyone recognizes and everybody loves.  He made those movies that your children are watching right now.
But what's the truth behind Walt Disney? Did you know: Walt Disney was a 33rd degree Freemason? He was also really close friends with Ronald Reagan (I may have the name wrong), both are really high rankings in the Freemasonry. Did you know: in every Disney movie there is sexual and demonic content in them.  For example, take a look at this picture of the Walt Disney logo. You will notice the 666 sign hidden in it.

    This is quite disturbing. But that's not all.  In the some of the Disney movies, they show either a male or female part (if you know what I mean).  
"Well that's just the movies... what about Disney World?" Well let me tell you. Disney World promotes gay days.  They've allowed homosexual organizers to portray Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck as gay lovers, and Minnie Mouse and Daisy Duck as lesbians.  This is just wrong. 
What about celebrities out there? There are pictures all over the internet showing celebrities from Justin Bieber to Michael Jackson giving a satanic sign with their hands.  I would just like to point out that there are people in churches that listen to some of these celebrities. Sure their songs can be good, but look at what Hollywood has been doing.  Hollywood has dragged Christians out of churches and those 'Christians' are now worshiping satan.  
I have posted links below of some of the videos I have found on Youtube.  These videos are of Dsiney movies to celebrities and even of some food products.
We live in a pretty messed up world that needs Jesus.  We need to be careful of what we watch these days because we never know what kind of hidden messages are deceiving our spirits.  

 These are just SOME of the disgustingness of Walt Disney.  Some people said that when they pointed it out to the makers of the movies, they said that people were liars and delusional. 
So, are you still going to watch those movies? 
Be careful what you watch and who you listen to. 

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Bless Someone!

So this is just a quick little blog today. I just wanted to share what had happened to me today. 
So about a month ago, I bought this pink cross necklace, and I absolutely LOVE it! Today I was wearing it and one of my friends thought it was really pretty. (I don't want to give out my friends name, so I am going to call her Casey). Casey has been struggling with her walk with God lately, and I have been encouraging her to keep strong with God. So today, she came up to me and was like "Carley I really want a cross necklace" (this was before she realized I had a cross necklace on). 
So, what did I do? I made a sacrifice for a friend. I took off my necklace (yes. the one that I really loved...the pink sparkley cross necklace that was one of my favorites) and I handed it to her and said "Here.Take mine". The look in her eyes, and the feeling I got afterwards, meant more to me than any necklace, diamond, or any other expensive thing here on earth. 
What I did today, made me realize that Jesus wants us to do with our lives. He gave us something so precious.... our lives.  We need to take our lives and say "Here Jesus. Take it. It's yours. Do with it what you will". 
I don't want a "Thank you" or a "Good job Carley" for what I did today. I want anyone who reads this blog to bless someone. It could be the simplest thing like a high five, or even just a "hello".  Maybe you too need to give someone a necklace or a watch, or something else special to you. But don't go one day without making a difference.
There's a generation that's hurting out there, and it's time for the Christians to rise up and be the bridge from them to Jesus Christ, the biggest blessing we will ever receive.
So go for it. Step outside your box.  BLESS someone.
Be blessed,
Carley <3  

Monday, 6 June 2011

This is serious.

Oookay bloggers. Something has arisen in me. Today at school, I was talking to one of my friends about prom and the before/ after parties. My friend asked me why I wasn't going to either one of them. I told her I didn't want to be around partying or alcohol. Before I could tell her why, the bell rang and she had to go catch her bus. BUT! You lucky ducks who are reading this blog, get to know why.
To start, a little bit of my testimony (BTW... I will be sharing my full testimony on my birthday....August sure to catch that one!). When I was younger, my dad was a heavy drinker and addicted to drugs. That tore my family apart so much, that I haven't even talked to my dad in like five years. Now I hate alcohol and drugs with a passion. I don't want to be around it and I don't want to be apart of a conversation that revolves around it.  So when people ask me why I am not going to prom or any of the other (pointless) parties, I say I don't want anything to do with that.... junk.
Okay okay... I can just hear the comments now.... "Why are you being so judgmental about this Carley?!". Okay.....don't let ME stand in the way of YOUR drinking and what not. But, tell me, what's next? After all those parties and getting so drunk that you don't even remember what happened the morning after, what's next? Sure, maybe it gives you a little rush... for a little bit, but what good comes out of it? Do you feel accepted when you do that stuff? Is that your only joy in life? What good does it even do for YOU?
A few years ago, I wanted to kill myself because I never felt accepted. But I met this man who treats me like a princess. He can't stop thinking about me. He holds my heart and He never lets go of it. He guides me by the hand. And He LOVES me.
This man is named Jesus. He can't stop thinking about you. He holds your heart and He will never let it go. He will guide your every step, if you just let Him. HE LOVES YOU! 
Jesus is above any drug high or any good tasting alcohol that gets you drunk. He is the King of Kings, Lord of Lords. He is the Beginning and the End. He is the Alpha and the Omega. He is waiting for you to come home and He wants you to be home. He will be waiting at the pearly white gates with arms wide open....ready to scoop you up and give the biggest hug and sloppiest kiss you will ever get!
There is this really good song that I want everyone to listen to after reading this (link below). It's called You Love Me Anyway by Sidewalk Prophets. It say that Jesus loves us no matter where we come from, no matter our past is, or what horrible things we have done. Bring it all to the cross and let Jesus step into your life.

More to come!
God Bless

Saturday, 4 June 2011

For you T.Tye :)

Well, y'all... blog number two. This blog is about my very close friend sister, Taylor.  Taylor (whom I like to call T.Tye) and I have become very close in the past few months.  She is an amazing friend and I am very grateful to know her. T.Tye and I can tell each other mostly anything.  I am so blessed that God gave me a friend like her. Which leads me to a question for you all.... Do you think God gives us friends like T.Tye for a reason?  In my opinionyes.

Now, don't get me wrong, I have a ton of friends like T.Tye..... but she wanted me to write about her in this blog, therefore.... I am using her as an example :)

I believe  that God gives us the free choice of who we want as our friends. For me, there are two types of friends that you can have: the friends that sharpen you and the friends that dull you.  The friends that sharpen you, are the friends that encourage you in your walk with God and helps you up when you fall.  The friends that dull you are the ones that "bully" what you believe, discourage your walk with God, and doesn't have any respect for your Heavenly Father at all.
You have to be very careful who you let into your life.  Ever heard the saying iron sharpens iron? Well look at us as iron.  Would you be hanging out with other irons like you so that you can get sharpened, or would be hanging out with that wooden log  that doesn't do diddley squat for you?
I don't know about you, but I want those irons.

So why does God give us friends like T.Tye? Could it be that He wants us to pray for each other? Most likely. Could it be He wants us to be closer with Him? Probably. Could it be He wants us to be happy in our lifetime here on earth? Possibly. 
Whatever the reason may be, God gave us friends and we must treasure those friends with all we have. We can't gossip about them behind thier backs. We can't treat them like that piece of garbage we throw on the ground and never take a second glance at. Our friends are gems, gold, diamonds, etc. Treat them like that diamond necklace sitting in your jewelry box that is worth a billion dollars.
So what kind of friends do you have? Do have gems? Maybe it's time to get a T.Tye in your life.
God bless my friends.

P.S. T.Tye, you are amazing! Love you pretty lady <3

Monday, 30 May 2011

For the First Time....

I am sure that we have all heard the saying, "There's a first time for everything". But sometimes that first step can be a hard one.
This is my first blog, and to be honest, I have no idea what I am doing. I really wanted to blog for the longest time, but I never had the courage, if you will, to start one. A couple of my friends started blogging, and they are the reason why this blog now exists. But the first step to this wasn't easy. I had battles in my mind, thinking that I may not like it.  Eventually I came to a conclusion, that I won't know until I try.
Come on.
Face it.
We have all been through it.
Think back to that one thing you did for the first time that you were on the fence about. Was it easy to make that first step? No. But you did it.
First steps are makes us who we are. They change us. If your first step led you into something bad, then you learn from it. If your first step leads you to something good, you build on it.
Now I want to tell about one of the first steps I made in my life that helped me in so many ways.
I came onto the worship team at my church.
The first step to that was not easy. I had to 'audition' in front of people.....I am one of those people who used to fake sick just to not say a speech in front of my class in elementary school.... Not to mention SING!!
But, you know what.... I did it. It changed my life. it broke fear off of me, it brought me closer to God, and it brought more joy in my life than you can ever imagine.
It's amazing to think that God loves us so much that He would use the smallest things in life to help us with our walk with Him. 
So what are you on the fence about? Trying out for a sports team at school? Trying to get onto the worship team at your church? Maybe even wanting to get this new job you heard about in your office?
You will never know unless you try. Who knows, it may even change your life.
Take that first step.
God Bless,