Everyone goes through it one way or the other. Some transition is harder than others. Some are for the better, but then there are the ones that are for the worse.
The bad ones could be a Christian who has back slid from God. Or maybe a marriage breaking apart for the wrong reasons.
I have recently watched the movie Soul Surfer For the third time, and there were two clips that really stuck out to me. The first clip is when the youth pastor (played by Carrie Underwood) is talking about getting new perspectives on things. The second is kind of how I am feeling about the transition I am going through (but I will talk more about that after you watch the clips.
Okay. Lets talk about the first video. Lately I have been feeling like the transition I am going through is this gigantic mountain, that looks like I can never overcome. Did you catch the Bible scripture in the first clip? Jeremiah 29:11. This verse has restored some hope in me about my transition. I have never really noticed this particular scripture until my friend texted it to me and told me to look it up. When I did.. I couldn't believe what I had just read. So you can obviously see my reaction when I heard Jeremiah 29:11 when I watched Soul Surfer. I had to rewind the movie just make sure I heard Carrie Underwood correctly!
Now the second clip. I am kind of in the same boat as Bethany right now. I am having a real hard time seeing what good is going to come out of this transition in my life right now. You know why though? Both Bethany and I have not yet taken that step back. I haven't gained a new perspective on my transition. Instead I have been stuck on my feeling of standing in the middle of all these brick sky scrapers crashing down on me, and thinking that I am alone through all of this. (Blimey! What a big lie that is!) God is with me. He is covering me, and He will never leave me. Did you catch what Carrie said at the end of the second clip? I have to believe that something good is going to come out of this. I do. I have to believe and stand on God's word, that something good will come out of this transition.
I was talking to another one of my friends about the transition I am going through, and they told me that this is something I need to welcome with open arms. No, its not going to be easy, but then again, serving God with all your heart isn't easy either..
So. You are probably wondering what this BIG transition is that I am going through. Well. I am going to tell you.
....... when the time is right.
Bloggers, there are still quite a few things that I still need to work through. So I am going to deal with these things, and when I do, I shall tell you what my big transition is.
How will you know what the blog will be that tells you about my transition?
Don't worry.
Just look for the blog that will be titled Soul Surfer Has Transitioned!!!
I know it's a random title... but hey now.... at least you will know what it is :)
God bless my friends. And remember, NOTHING is too big for God.
Carley <3
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