Saturday, 22 October 2011

What it means to be LIMITLESS

Hello bloggers!
A few weeks ago, my youth group (Revolution) , started an event series called Limitless.  I have been really learning what it means to be limitless and live a life with out any limits.
Limitless, to me, means that you must live life with no fear, no chains, and be obedient and ready for whatever God is going to ask you to do. Lately, I feel that God has been asking me to break and do things that I would never normally do. 
For example, I feel like my day isn't complete unless I tell someone about Jesus. I have been wanting to go crazy and tell every single person I see about Jesus, but me being a little too shy, can't do that, unless I have A LOT of help from God. 
Well...... I obviously know what limit I have to break! 

Ok. So I am going to be starting this little thing called "Break the Chains Challenge".  This is going to be a weekly thing, and every week, there will be a new challenge. What I will do, I will have a dice, and have different subjects for every number on the dice. Every subject will require you to break a limit in your life. I will post a video of me rolling the dice and explaining what you will have to do, and give you a little pep talk. 

What's your part? I want you guys to make videos of yourselves DOING the challenges and either send me them through Facebook (if we are friends on FB) or send them to my Youtube page (link below). 

The challenges will be starting within the next few weeks so be sure to look out for them!
Be blessed,

Pre-challenge: Tell someone about Jesus

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